Encoding files

Encoding files give you complete control over which Macintosh character is displayed when a particular PostScript character in a DVI file is to be viewed or printed on a non-PostScript printer. (The .enc files downloaded by dvips during PostScript printing serve a similar purpose to 's encoding files, but the syntax is completely different.) Encoding files are loaded at the time a configuration file is loaded. Every PostScript screen font must be followed by an encoding entry which is either the name of an existing encoding file, or nil if the screen font uses the same encoding as its corresponding TFM file. looks for a given encoding file in the current ps_folders list and, if found, uses it to build an encoding array of 256 elements. This array defines the mapping of DVI character codes into Macintosh characters. You can see the currently loaded encoding arrays by selecting the appropriate ``Show'' item in the Config menu. The syntax of an encoding file is described in detail in the standard encoding file called Mac.enc which is kept in the Encodings subfolder in PS-files. This encoding file maps characters from a standard PostScript text font into equivalent characters in a standard Macintosh text font. Depending on the encoding scheme used in your PostScript TFMs or screen fonts, you might need to create other encoding files. For an interesting example of how such files can be used, see the View CM using PS configuration file.